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Tabula Rasa

How exciting is it to look at a clean blank canvass? The possibilities seem endless! Nowadays it is easier than ever to express yourself through clothes and fashion choices. DTF is an example of an innovative technology that is cost effective and allows for exploring different designs and styles which can totally transform a plain white shirt in a work of art.

"If your stadium search is old enough to have its bar mitzvah, it's gone on too long." – Bill Shaikin

Talking-up Scotland
"all media presentations of reality are selective and are therefore impregnated with values, viewpoints and common-sense working assumptions." Glasgow Media Group 1977

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Our life as a Military and Homeschooling family. John 1:17

Bonnie Reads and Writes
Bonnie Reads and Writes
I love to read, and I love to write book reviews and share them with others.
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